Subject: Re: Has Andylon Lenssen gone Stark Raving Mad
Date: 13/07/2003 14:28 EST
I've got some more news for you Kim.
Did you know Lizzy & Lex (from broke into the epgold-
website and painted a moustache on the pic of the DVD "Behind the Image
vol. 2"?? They even changed the password so it could not be correct for
Well, the good thing is that there is a lawsuit running because of this
Do you like to know what emails she is sending around about/to Andylon
Lensen ?? You probably wouldn't !!
She doesn't know half, how lucky she is to be a woman. Otherwise she
would pray every night, not to wake up as a man.
This appears to be nothing more than two websites duking it out
Call it competition -
Call it whatever you want -
How about childish?
I think I know what you're talking about.There was some tension on
ElvisNews awhile back. In fact, I wrote to them with some comments
and they were deleted. I wrote them again asking why and was told I
violated some rule of theirs. Their rules were not to type in caps
and no nasty language. I did neither. I guess they didn't like what
I had to say (which was a positive comment) I noticed that same week
or so others were complaining about the exact same thing- their posts
being removed for no reason also so it wasn't just me.
Funny thing is, I read some of those posts before they deleted them
and I can
tell you there was nothing in them that warranted them being removed.
I don't know of the other site so can't comment. Guess I will go and
check it out.
Here's a thought. Maybe there are some dealers they like so they push
their products but not competing dealers. That's what it looks like
anyway which means the reviews really aren't impartial. Dang, the
whole Elvis world is going down the tubes. That sucks!
As exciting as this story is it doesnt have a heck of a lot to do with Elvis
accused of hacking into someones websight and causing problems.
have done.