Queer Democrat traitor Bradley Manning should hang by the neck until dead.
(too old to reply)
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2012-02-06 03:54:07 UTC
In article <***@4ax.com>
* US * wrote:

Followups defeated.
A soldier sworn to defend the US Constitution
has no option of
deciding when he will honor said sworn oath. The oath is
binding and unconditional despite what some clueless liberals
whose loyalty is to communism think.
Bradley Manning Charge Sheet
Treason's Poster Boy
Execute PFC Bradley Manning for Treason
Bradley Manning is nothing more than a traitor
Fag traitor Bradley Manning's gender identity comes up in testimony
Bradley Manning is a pathetic traitor
Bradley Manning committed treason
Bradley Manning: Angry Gay Traitor
PFC Bradley Manning Is A Traitor
Bradley Manning has “gender issues”
Ron Paul Under Fire for Praising Accused Traitor
American Traitor: Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning is nothing more than a traitor
Bradley Manning’s WikiLeaks Case: The Larger Issue
The Feds Have the Goods on Manning – And Assange Too
Bradley Manning, whack job, unstable.
Send homosexual traitors to their final reward. A rope tossed
over a tree limb.

Bradley Manning violated his oath of service, and federal law,
by giving state secrets to enemies of the United States, enemies
in time of war. Why did Bradley Manning do this? Bradley is a
homosexual. His already dubious character was further
established when he lied to gain enlistment into the United
States Army. Lying or concealing disqualifying information to
enter the armed forces is a violation of federal law and the
Uniform Code of Military Justice. Bradley Manning was weak,
mentally and emotionally unstable.

In any armed service but the Army he would have been processed
for discharge as unsuitable for military service not even
considering his homosexual deviance. The Army assigned this
mental misfit to safeguard classified material. Bradley Manning
put his dress on and found another queer to consort with.
Apparently the other queer found Bradley lacking in many areas
important to homosexuals and dumped him. Bradley decided to get
revenge by taking the secret material he was charged with
safeguarding and placing it where enemies of the United States
had access to it.

Uniform Code Of Military Justice, Article 104 — Aiding the
enemy. "Any person who —

(1) aids, or attempts to aid, the enemy with arms, ammunition,
supplies, money, or other things; or

(2) without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or
gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or
holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or
indirectly; shall suffer death or such other punishment as a
court-martial or military commission may direct."

Bradley Manning should be tried, sentenced and killed for his
catt's x Files
2012-02-06 07:12:25 UTC
r***@truthonly.com.Sword of Baal
2012-02-06 08:08:57 UTC
"Hanoi Jane Fonda" wrote in message news:***@msgid.frell.theremailer.net...

This stupid bitch is still raving.
catt's x Files
2012-02-06 17:51:55 UTC
"Hanoi Jane Fonda" wrote in message news:***@msgid.frell.theremailer.net...
This stupid bitch is still raving.
I never really cared what Jane Fonda has or had 2 say. I think she
should keep just 2 the movies, her voice is only 4 her. No, I don't care
what Jane Fonda has 2 say about anything! GOD BLESS!
