West Hollywood Poofters Dump Vodka Into Gutters in Protest of Russia's Anti-Gay Laws.
(too old to reply)
Nancy Pelosi Perjury
2013-08-14 09:51:03 UTC
So fucking what?

Russians were pissing in all the Vodka sold in West Hollywood

Russian vodka was symbolically dumped into West Hollywood's
curbside drains Thursday as an act of protest over the nation's
stringent anti-gay laws.

City leaders, bar owners and LGBT rights activists lined a Santa
Monica Boulevard sidewalk with Russian-branded vodka bottles in
hand and ceremoniously poured out the clear liquid - which was
actually water in order to avoid environmental impact.

The message of dissidence, however, was still clear.

"We come together to stand up against Russia's treatment of its
LGBT people," said bar owner Michael Niemeyer in a statement.
"While we can't be on the streets of Russia protesting the
recent anti-LGBT legislation, we can show support by not selling
Russian brands."

Some of the city's bar owners vowed to pull popular Russian-made
vodkas, including Stolichnaya and Russian Standard, from their
shelves, along with other vodkas containing Russian ingredients.

"We can't just stand by watching gay teenagers getting beaten in
the streets, police doing nothing and the entire West kind of
shrugs its shoulders," said West Hollywood City Councilman John
Duran. "When we do nothing on issues like this, very bad
policies happen and very devastating consequences occur."

Public activities between homosexuals, such as hand holding,
wearing a rainbow pin or providing information about the gay
community to minors, are banned under Russia's new law. Anyone
caught breaking the law could face fines or jail time.

With the 2014 Winter Olympics being held in Sochi, the
International Olympic Committee, athletes and activists are
questioning the country's policy toward gays and lesbians.

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko said the new law will be
enforced during the games, despite assurance from the
International Olympic Committee that neither athletes nor
visitors to the games would be subject to discrimination under
the law.

The contentious law was signed by President Vladimir Putin last


2013-08-15 01:34:12 UTC
On 8/14/2013 2:51 AM, Nancy Pelosi Perjury wrote:


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gram <***@nomail.com>
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no evidence against accused is US being abused
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