Upstairs At Graceland...
(too old to reply)
Smarter Daily
2018-09-02 04:49:55 UTC
no, as an employee at Graceland, I can tell you that the only staff who
goes up there (and thats only once in a while) is the Archives
supervisor, Greg, and his archives assistant or two. They ONLY go up
there to continue on up to the attic, where several items were stored.
They go up there to drag some stuff out of the attic. Elvis`s bedroom IS
still furnished, and alot of stuff still there. The closets are empty
tho, and the clothes of course have been removed. Lisa`s bedroom is
completely empty except for a few empty boxes laying around. Elvis`s
office is nearly empty now, since they moved his desk, couch, and many
things down stairs to the annex for display, which is now that new
addition past the jungle room. Also, there is a certain person who
regularly cleans the upstairs rooms. A guard must also follow this
cleaning person upstairs. (NOT a regular security guard who works
there...someone who has been selected.)
Hi Amy,

Are you still on this forum? Is there a way to send you a personal message?
I have a million questions. Also are you familiar with the YouTube channels Spa Guy and Memphis Mafia Kid? Spa Guy is a MAJOR historian and I think you should connect with him also the Memphis Mafia kid is Billy Smith's kid (Elvis' cousin) with a TON of insider info with great stories.
2018-09-04 12:41:57 UTC
I spoke to a member of the security at Graceland and he told me that the
ONLY persons who have keys for the upstairs area are THE FAMILY + JACK SODEN
! There are 3 different keys needed to unlock the doors and also a special
alarm system. Also the cleaning team who are cleaning the downstairs rooms
have NO access to the upstairs area. Many items from Graceland are stored in
several store-houses in the city (including 6 cars). A few things from
Elvis' Bedroom are removed and shown downstairs (the big porcelain tiger) or
at Mobile Graceland (the record-player with the last record, Elvis ever
listened to).
I realize that it's been 16 years since this post, but i hope someone can clear up a question for me. It says that this securityperson said there are 6 of Elvis' cars in storage. Well, the only cars we know for sure came out of storage during these years are the old 1953 Chevrolet Panel Truck and the 1974 International Harvester Scout II Traveltop 4×4(Guards Car). So what other cars are in there, we're missing 4?
2020-06-16 02:12:13 UTC
Any. Please prove you Worked at Graceland.
